Last Updated on February 29, 2024

Pain can be a debilitating experience that affects both physical and mental well-being. While there are over-the-counter and prescription pain medications available, some individuals may prefer to seek natural alternatives. Fortunately, there are many herbs and natural remedies for pain relief that can help.

In this article, we will explore the 12 best natural painkillers that are effective for pain relief. These herbs and natural remedies have been used for centuries and are backed by scientific research. Whether you are looking for a natural alternative to prescription medication or just looking to complement your pain management routine, these natural painkillers may be worth considering.

Why Choose Natural Pain Relief Over NSAIDs

There are a couple of primary reasons why someone may choose natural pain relief and home remedies for inflammation over nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs):

  • Lower risk of side effects: Natural herbs are generally considered safe and have a lower risk of side effects compared to anti-inflammatory medications, which can cause stomach ulcers, kidney damage, and other adverse effects.
  • More holistic approach: Herbs are often used in combination with other natural remedies, such as exercise and relaxation techniques, to provide a more holistic approach to pain management.

Now, let’s get to our list of the 12 best natural herbs for pain relief.

1. Turmeric & Curcumin

Turmeric is a spice commonly used in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine, and its active ingredient, curcumin, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects. It works by inhibiting enzymes and proteins that cause inflammation and pain in the body while reducing oxidative stress.

Curcumin is commonly used to relieve pain caused by arthritis, menstrual cramps, and headaches.

2. Elderberry

Elderberry is a popular natural pain reliever known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It contains compounds that help in reducing inflammation, which can contribute to pain relief. Elderberry also has antiviral properties that can help boost the immune system.

Elderberry is frequently used to relieve pain caused by a variety of conditions such as colds and flu, headaches, and joint pain.

3. Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is an ancient herb used in Ayurvedic medicine for its pain-relieving properties. It works by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress in the body. Ashwagandha contains compounds called withanolides that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects.

The three most common conditions people use ashwagandha for are arthritis, fibromyalgia, and lower back pain. In addition, it’s used quite often as a way to reduce stress and anxiety.

4. Boswellia

Boswellia, also known as Indian frankincense, is an herbal extract derived from the Boswellia serrata tree. It has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a variety of conditions, including pain and inflammation.

Boswellia is believed to work by inhibiting the activity of enzymes that contribute to inflammation. It contains compounds known as boswellic acids, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Some of the most common conditions people use boswellia to treat include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma.

5. Ginger

Ginger is a well-known herbal pain reliever due to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It contains compounds called gingerols and shogaols that can inhibit pain pathways in the body. These compounds can also block the production of certain pro-inflammatory cytokines that cause inflammation in the body.

Ginger is effective in reducing pain associated with osteoarthritis and menstrual cramps. It may also be effective in helping sore muscles after a workout.

6. Spirulina

Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties, making it a potential natural pain reliever. This effect is due to the presence of phycocyanin, a pigment in spirulina that has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. By reducing inflammation in the body, spirulina may help to alleviate pain and discomfort.

The three most common conditions that people use spirulina for are arthritis, fibromyalgia, and even as a natural remedy for muscle pain and inflammation.

7. Black Pepper

Black pepper, a common spice used in many cuisines, contains a compound called piperine that has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, making it a strong natural painkiller. Piperine is known to inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines, which are responsible for pain and inflammation. By reducing the levels of these cytokines, black pepper can help alleviate pain and inflammation in the body.

Black pepper is most often used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of conditions, including gastrointestinal problems, respiratory infections, and joint pain.

8. Ginseng

Ginseng is a popular medicinal herb that has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to treat a variety of ailments. It is believed to have analgesic properties and can help with natural pain relief. The herb is known to help reduce swelling and inflammation, which makes it useful for treating conditions that cause pain and discomfort.

Ginseng is commonly used to treat three main conditions: fatigue, stress, and cognitive function.

9. Cardamom

Cardamom is an aromatic spice that is commonly used in Indian cuisine and traditional medicine practices. It has been shown to work well as a natural painkiller, making it a popular choice for those seeking herbal alternatives to conventional pain medications.

The most common conditions people use cardamom for include digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and stomach cramps, as well as respiratory conditions such as coughs and asthma.

10. Green Tea

Green tea contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce pain and inflammation in the body. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a type of antioxidant found in green tea, has been shown to reduce inflammation and help alleviate pain in conditions like arthritis. The caffeine content in green tea can also act as a natural pain reliever by blocking pain signals in the brain.

Green tea is commonly used to ease conditions such as arthritis, migraines, and menstrual cramps.

11. Rosemary

Rosemary has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help with natural pain relief. Its active ingredient, rosmarinic acid, is believed to inhibit the production of inflammatory cytokines. For this reason, it’s become a very popular anti-inflammatory tea.

Additionally, rosemary has been shown to reduce pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis, menstrual cramps, and headaches.

12. Rhodiola

Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb that has been used traditionally for centuries to treat various ailments. Rhodiola can help relieve pain by reducing inflammation in the body. Rhodiola contains antioxidants that have been shown to reduce oxidative stress, which can contribute to pain and inflammation.

Besides helping with pain and discomfort, the three most common conditions people use Rhodiola for are stress, anxiety, and depression.

Other Ways to Reduce Inflammation

There are plenty of natural anti-inflammatory supplements, as well as herbs and spices for reducing pain and inflammation. But, what else can be done to manage pain? Here are a few of the best strategies.

  • Eat fewer inflammatory foods: Certain inflammatory foods can lead to increased pain in the body, so avoiding these foods can help to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
  • Start an anti-inflammatory diet: An anti-inflammatory diet is rich in foods that can help to reduce inflammation in the body, which can lead to pain relief.
  • Try acupuncture: Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves inserting needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and promote natural pain relief.
  • Apply heat and ice: Applying heat or ice to painful areas can help to reduce inflammation, soothe sore muscles, and relieve pain.
  • Take up yoga: Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines physical poses with breathing exercises and meditation. It can help to increase flexibility, improve posture, and reduce stress, which can all contribute to lower levels of pain.
  • Meditate and relax: Meditation and relaxation techniques can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which are common triggers for pain.
  • Try massage therapy: Massage therapy can help to relax tense muscles, increase circulation, and reduce stress, all of which can lower pain.
  • Soak in warm water: Soaking in warm water, such as a bath or hot tub, can also help to relax muscles, increase circulation, and dull nagging pain.
  • Stretch and loosen up: Stretching can help to relieve tension and stiffness in the muscles and joints, further reducing pain.
  • Try apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce pain and inflammation in the body. It may also help to alkalize the body, which can contribute to overall health and wellness.

Learn More: 10 Best Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies for 2023

Natural Pain Relief: Final Thoughts

Natural painkillers can be a great alternative to traditional pain medication. They not only offer relief from pain but also provide various other health benefits. It is important to note that natural remedies may not work for everyone and it is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before using them as a substitute for medical treatment.

With that being said, incorporating the best herbs for pain into your daily routine can help provide relief without the harmful side effects that can come with traditional painkillers. By choosing natural remedies, you can take control of your health and live a more natural, holistic lifestyle.