Last Updated on September 3, 2023

The internet tends to get flooded with weight loss tips that seem too good to be true. Within this sea of imposters, you’ll find a few effective and safe home-based weight loss remedies that work.

The mother of vinegar, apple cider vinegar is associated with many health benefits. But, how effective is apple cider vinegar for weight loss? Does it work?

Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss

Apple cider vinegar is a form of vinegar produced from the fermentation of apple juice. During the process, the addition of yeast turns the sugar into alcohol, which is further transformed into acetic acid by bacteria.

This low-calorie drink has been a popular body detox solution for centuries. Over the years, ACV has gained credit for its weight loss capabilities, skincare benefits, heartburn relief, acid reflux treatment, and even gout pain relief!

What is Metabolism?

The umbrella term “metabolism” covers all the chemical reactions taking place in the human body. It is how food is converted into energy and consumed for various processes.

We have all seen people complain about eating too little and gaining too much. The reality is, it is the metabolic rate that is largely responsible for this phenomenon.

Our body has energy requirements, even when we’re asleep, to carry out breathing, blood circulation, and maintenance. Thus, whether or not weight loss is a goal, an efficient metabolism is the key to a fit body.

The Truth Behind Diets and Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a stressful and pressure-packed endeavor in this age of internet forgery. Filtering out the truths from the lies is no easy task. Let us debunk some of the most irrational weight loss myths and present the honest picture of losing weight.

Myth #1: Control Diets Are the Key
Hopping onto the latest control diet on the internet may sound good, but research shows that they’re often not sustainable. Most diets do not work because of their unnatural expectations from the human body, and any benefits gained are lost within a year. Stick to flexible diets consisting of natural ingredients, for instance, the apple cider vinegar diet.

Myth #2: Food Must Taste Bad
Added preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and unnatural carbs/fats are unnecessary torture for your body. Weight loss does not demand giving up on the joy of good-tasting food—but it does require a little bit of discipline. Appreciate the organic and subtle flavors of fruits, veggies, and healthy dressings. Munch on healthy snacks, and stick to a good exercise routine.

Myth #3: All Calories Are Equal
Never think a 100-calorie apple is equivalent to the 100-calorie bag of Cheetos in terms of digestion. Unhealthy snacks like chips offer virtually nothing in terms of nutritional value. Thus, they rarely, if ever contribute to enhanced energy levels and efficient metabolism.

Myth #4: No Alcohol
For effective weight loss, alcohol consumption must be controlled but it does not need to be eliminated. Now, this isn’t an invitation to drink excessively throughout the week. But if your concern is whether or not you can have a glass of wine on a Friday night, this is unlikely to derail your weight loss goals.

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help You Lose Weight?

Vinegar is a highly sought-after culinary agent touted for its medicinal properties. Whether or not to trust its healing properties is still a contradiction, but its influence in assisting weight loss and targeting belly fat has a fair amount of scientific backing.

Health Benefits

A few of the many ways apple cider vinegar benefits contribute to weight loss are:

  • Helps strengthen the immune system
  • Promotes weight control
  • Supports fat burning
  • Enhances the metabolism
  • Low-calorie solution
  • Suppresses appetite

Research Studies

There are enough sources to back up the effectiveness of ACV for weight loss, but you may find an equal number of sources on the opposing side. It comes down to personal judgment and medical supervision to make a decision.

A fairly recent research trial from the Journal of Functional Foods addressed the modifications in body weight by ACV. A restricted 250 kcal/day diet was introduced to a randomized allocation of 39 participants for 12 weeks.

At the end of the trial, a significant reduction in body weight, hip circumference, and BMI took place. This is a crucial development in the studies related to the apple cider vinegar diet.

An older study by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2005 reported participants felt fuller after intaking a meal with ACV. This was attributable to the acetic acid present in the vinegar, which slows down the rate of nutrient absorption by the bloodstream.

Another Japanese study found similar results during a 12-week dietary exposure of ACV to 175 participants. The intake was successful in reducing triglycerides levels and preventing metabolic syndrome by reducing obesity.

With such positive results in clinical trials performed on human beings, a study performed on obese rats and mice performed equally well. The findings presented an enhanced effect of ACV on metabolic rate and reduced fat accumulation in the body.

Apple cider vinegar has shown some promise for weight loss and fat burning. Like everything else in life, too much of a good thing can sometimes be bad. Here are a few things to look out for when drinking ACV.

Potential Side Effects

Consulting a doctor before deciding to take apple cider vinegar for weight loss is essential due to the possible side effects of the acid. These adverse reactions may include:

  • The acidity can damage your tooth enamel and cause throat burns with direct exposure. Always dilute the ACV with water before consumption.
  • Patients with diabetes must note that ACV is known to alter blood sugar levels.
  • It may cause nausea and overburdening of kidneys if consumed in a large amount.
  • It can trigger low potassium levels, resulting in the condition of hypokalaemia.

How to Drink Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss

If you choose to be on the supporting side of the argument and intend to take up ACV for weight loss, here is a piece of advice. Drink it after acquiring a qualified medical opinion that keeps your body’s particular needs under consideration.

Very few scientific studies pinpoint exactly when to drink apple cider vinegar for best results. The choice comes down to individuals based on their personal preference and whether or not it fits into their schedule.

  • You can take apple cider vinegar at night before sleeping. Remember to make this happen 20-25 minutes before laying down for easy digestion. Night-time intake can help soothe the nerves and balance sugar levels.
  • Many prefer to drink ACV first thing in the morning to keep energy levels high throughout the day. This particularly works great when accompanied by an early morning workout. It clears the body of toxins and balances PH levels. This effect may also help prevent kidney stones and UTIs.

Either way, your intake must not exceed a maximum dosage of a tablespoon or two of ACV per day. All cited research papers crediting the idea of drinking apple cider vinegar for weight loss work around small doses.

ACV comes in many forms including:

As a tonic, the ACV needs dilution with 6-8 ounces of water. To increase the health benefits, consider adding other supplements that support weight loss like turmeric. Remember: direct exposure to the acidity of the vinegar is liable to cause damage to the enamel and throat.

When consumed as a drink or as part of a salad, make a point to consider the calorie content of all additional ingredients in the salad or ACV drink recipe.

ACV for Weight Loss: Final Thoughts

There may not be enough evidence to declare the apple cider vinegar diet as the mightiest, but there is enough to deem it safe and credible. Keep these considerations in mind to lose weight more effectively, and in a healthy manner, using apple cider vinegar.

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